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Dillon and AJ on the 5THWAVE podcast

We spoke with the 5THWAVE team as part of their “Coffee Entrepreneur” series, discussing the evolution of New York’s specialty coffee scene over the past 15 years and our decision to prioritize our wholesale and roasting operations in the early days of our company.

“Focusing on wholesale became a natural extension for us. It wasn’t just the path of least resistance in those early days, but it was also a path that naturally fit with [our focus] on origin.”

- AJ Walzer, Co-Founder & CBDO


AJ Walzer

In the conversation, we touch on what we see as opportunities for further innovation within New York’s coffee culture and the importance of empathy and shared values when building a business together.⁠

“The public needs to see more innovation—the customer is almost desensitized, and I think we have an opportunity now, with this new baseline set, to really innovate beyond what has been the model for the past fifteen or so years.”

- Dillon Edwards, Founder & CEO


Dillon Edwards

Tune in wherever you listen to your podcasts or click here to listen now!

5THWAVE podcast