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Parlor Community Bake Sale

In the midst of the ongoing public health crisis, the hospitality industry has shuttered, reopened, redesigned, rebuilt, and pivoted in every way imaginable. With the Parlor Community Bake Sale, we call on our community to help support the baristas, servers, porters, managers, line cooks, and other members of the restaurant community who are still struggling to find work.

For the first four Sundays in May, we’ll be hosting over twenty of NYC’s best bakers at our roastery to raise funds for the Service Workers Coalition, a mutual aid fund and now nonprofit that has provided weekly grocery stipends to service workers affected by the pandemic. We invite you to join us in celebrating the NYC restaurant community’s relentless ingenuity and perseverance the best way we know how: with exceptional pastries and freshly brewed coffee!

Click here to learn more about our lineup of bakers and how to pre-order. See you on May 2!